Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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News and articles

The application deadline for ERASMUS+ Mobility has been extended


Gál Ferenc College signed an agreement with Csongrád County Directorate for Disaster Recovery

On Wednesday morning the parties signed the agreement in the frame of ceremonial staff gathering, which came into being between GF College and Csongrád County Directorate for Disaster Recovery.

Conference on nationality at the Faculty of Education of Gál Ferenc College

Conference on nationality at the Szarvas Faculty of Education of Gál Ferenc College was held for the sixth time. This year’s conference entitled ’Language and value protection in nationality education’ took place on 12th April with the patronage of Zsolt Semjén Vice-Prime Minister, and Szeged-Csanád bishop, László Kiss-Rigó


Gál Ferenc University of Szeged warmly invites you to remembrance and discussion entitled HEROES OF 1956, YOU DID NOT DIE IN VAIN. TIME: 27TH April, 2017, 4 p.m. Place: Dóm square 6, Szeged, Gál Ferenc University, Klebelsberg room

Bicycle cross-tour to Tápé at Gál Ferenc University

In a momentary silence of rain but in stormy wind and inclement weather, Gál Ferenc University held its Szeged-Tápé bicycle Easter cross-tour. Organized by the Institute of Helth and Sports Institute (IHSI) on 6th April, the bike group of nearly twenty participants left for Tápé outside the building of the University to bike through the rampart to reach the Saint Michael Church of Tápé.