Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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The universal Church is celebrating the assumption of the Virgin Mary on 15th August.

The universal Church is celebrating the assumption of the Virgin Mary on 15th August. The old Hungarian name of the commanded celebration, which means an obligation to attend mass for Catholics, is Nagyboldogasszony (Great Blissful Lady). On this day of celebration, the Rector of Gál Ferenc University has ordered a day off work in the institutions of the University, which are held closed.

The sacred tradition of the Church holds that the Redeemer has not let her mother’s earthly body to decay but has lifted it up to heavenly glory. The day of the passing of Mary (in Latin: dormitio) was celebrated in Jerusalem in the 6th century and in the following century it spread in Rome as well. The celebration was held by King Stephen the Saint; what is more he offered Hungary to the protection of Virgin Mary. That is why the mother of Christ is called the heavenly patron of Hungary, i.e., Patrona Hungariae. (The celebration is also tied to our first king because he died on this day in 1038).