Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
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Gál Ferenc University held its 85th graduation ceremony

Gál Ferenc University held its 85th graduation ceremony.

After the mass expressing gratitude held in the Cathedral on 17th June, in the opening session of the central ceremony of the University, Rector, Gábor Kozma commemorated on the career of Ferenc Gál, who was born 100 years ago and summarized the results of the academic year. He emphasized that the University hosts the most students majoring in theology, teacher training in religios studies and other studies of religious life. He pointed out that the University is the third largest institution in terms of student number after Catholic and Calvinistic universities. During the ceremony, József Kovács, Rector of the Seminary, greeted the former pupils of gold and diamond degrees, amongst whom, father Antal Szigeti, Tibor Tölgyes and László Kisházi-Kovács were present. The good-humored greetings of the last of the listed was received with great appreciation. Imre Lipcsei, dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy located in Szarvas gave the speech closing down the academic year. As part of the event, Lepes Josip, dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training in Hungarian Language of the University of Novi Sad, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Gál Ferenc University. During the graduation ceremony, 84 B.A. and M.A  degrees and final transcripts were presented and certificates of religious studies teacher course were handed over to 11 graduating students.
