Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

Rector Gábor Kozma has been awarded the Knight’s Cross of Merit of the Polish Republic

Rector Gábor Kozma, rector of Gál Ferenc University, was presented with the Knight’s Cross of Merit of the Polish Republic on 17th May by Roman Kowalski, the ambassador of the Polish Republic seated in Budapest in the Bishop’s headquarters of Szeged-Csanád Diocese.

Gábor Kozma was presented with the highest award of the state of the Polish Republic for the work done in the care of the Polish-Hungarian relationships and for the dissemination of Polish culture in Szeged. „In the span of as many as ten years Rector Kozma has established serious professional and friendly relationships in the city of sunshine. He has disseminated the versatility of Polish culture and Polish history”- Roman Kowalski, the ambassador of the Polish Republic seated in Budapest praised the awarded one in his ceremonial speech. In the ceremony, Krisztina Rotár the fellow colleague of the Archives of Csongrád County was presented with the Silver Merit’s Cross of the Polish Republic. 


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