Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szeged

2025.3.04., Name day: Kázmér.
Betűméret:  A   A   A

News and articles

New exhibition on the twentieth anniversary of the death of Ferenc Gál

On the twentieth anniversary of the death of Ferenc Gál, an exhibition of his career is on display on the ground floor of the Dóm square central building of the College.

87th central academic year closing ceremony and commencement

87th central academic year closing ceremony and commencement

Presentation of the Baron Vilmos Gelsey awards on 9th June

Presentation of the Baron Vilmos Gelsey awards on 9th June

3rd conference on Demography and Health Politics: the issue of educating

Speeches will be held on the year of families, communities and education, the situation of hospitals, health, the role of family in society and the three-generation family model.

Economics Campus Conference - Serving Sciences in Békéscsaba

The Faculty of Economics of Gál Ferenc College held an academic session entitled Economics Campus Conference – Serving Sciences on 25th April, 2018. Curators of the event were dr. Gábor Kozma, rector of GFC and Péter Szarvas, mayor of Békéscsaba.